Leslie at Rehab

Leslie at Rehab
Enough with the brace! Here's mah Kitteh!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Kitty visits and other things

Happy coincidence, we came to visit Leslie at the same time as the famous Guy (her familiar, companion and cat) I had never met him before, what a great personality!  Although he is trying to make a break for it, between sniffing around the room and seeing Mama for the first time in 2 months, leaping up on the funny crank up bed, and generally charming all who he encounters, we did discover the door here doesn't actually latch, so all you late night visitors to Leslie, take note.  Well, Guy has an ingrown toenail and is going to the vet tomorrow.  More on Leslie now.  She is out of the immobilizing brace and sporting quite the gnarly, bodacious scar thanks to those three surgeries (full disclosure - it was there all along, but we could not see it before), but moving, a little walking, solo trips to the john (now *that's* freedom)...  

She enjoyed an excellent weekend with her gaming friends and in the knowledge that her house was enjoying a work party under the firm if reticent guidance of brother Keith - I hear I'm mistaken, and he was downright loquacious!  But, we have also discovered the first need for the money that you all have so generously donated (looking at about $4700 so far!), besides transportation for Leslie, transportation for goods and materials to her house to get it ready for her to move back into is all being handled by Keith's (overtaxed) truck, it needs some work, so that's the first chunk, looks like about $1500 will get it back on all four wheels...

So, we switched widgets and are looking for donation testers, if you've been thinking you would but haven't until now, now is the time to see if the switch we made worked.  You shouldn't notice any difference, but your donation goes directly to Leslie, I am no longer the middleman (and just in time, that ticket to Barbados was looking pretty good...)

Anyway, it's a long post. keep the love and attention coming.


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